Monday, June 30, 2008

I found myself looking for objects every where I went all week looking for things to shoot. This first picture is of a lilly in my front flower bed. I was waiting for it to open all week. I think I was able to capture good lighting on this one.

This second picture is of an elephant ear. I've been raising this plant all season. I think the rain drops add to all the textures in this leaf.

I've learned if I intend to take many more macro pictures, I'll need to update my powershot from a 450 to a 750. I can get in close and get a clear picture on my viewer, however the shutter is very delayed and causes a lot of shake making some of the macro shots blurry. Unfortunately after lengthy reading of my manual, there isn't a way to increase the shutter speed. Anyone have any suggestions?


Michele said...

These are EXCELLENT shots!

rayb said...

I like the water drop on the leaf.
Very nice!

Jerry said...

Hi Nicole... It isn't the delay from when you press the shutter button until the shutter goes off... it is the length of time the shutter is open to capture enough light.

The less light there is, the longer the shutter stays open... if there is movement from hand holding the camera then that will show up as a buzz or blur.. having a camera with a faster response time is nice but that isn't the issue here...

Another way to increase the speed of the shutter is to raise the iso... you can do that with a menu change... the trade off is possibly some digital noise....

Adrienne said...

I really like the drop of water on the Elephany Ear. I have an older one myself and love him! (His name is Pigme...hahah) Although my EE hasnt modeled yet for this class... good ones!