Friday, June 13, 2008

This next set was taken along the West Haven shoreline. I have lived in W.H. for 36 years and this was the 1st time I actually took the time to really view its shoreline.


Michele said...

The top one with the shells is my favorite here!

Adrienne said...

I like the brightness of these shots. The light in the shell photo is nice. Bright colors are also cool in the grass photo. I love green against blue in a lot of people's photos this week.

Floyd said...

The last one with the grass in the water is prety cool

Nicole Champagne said...

My favorite is the last one. Love all the colors.

rayb said...

Nice shooting,I love the one with the sea grass against the blue water with the old dock post the best.

Jerry said...

Great set... That's one of the big goals for the class.. to see things for the first time... more deeply.