The first is one of the walkway entrances at Walnut Beach in Milford. The 2nd is a "floating brick"...actually a square sponge my son kept throwing into LI Sound...he was having fun watching it rush back to shore...caught this great shot of it "riding a wave" back in! Hang 10 Dude!
The black and white walkway shot catches a lot and has that endless line effect.
Love the framing on the boardwalk shot.
Great to bring your son with you!
Yes, and he's developing a great interest in Picassa...he assisted with the "seaweed/alien" photo posted in my fotothing account. :)
Not often a 1st grader has the opportunity to "dip his feet" into college work. :)
Wow, that first shot is fantastic!
love the shot where you angled the camera at ground level. makes for a great photo!
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