Hello Everyone. This is my 2nd time taking a digital photography course with Professor Nevins here at Albertus Magnus College. I am so happy to be able to enjoy this course again, I was on the "waiting list" and only by chance got in. I am slowly but surely studying towards my Masters in Art Therapy. I LOVE photography as well as any other form of art. I look forward to seeing all of your work!
This photo was taken at the entrance of the Tulleries, Paris France last month. Self Portraits can be merely a hint of the person, esp if you are as me, a bit shy.
Looking forward to SEEING you all.
"Butterflies and Zebras,And Moonbeams and fairy tales. That's all she ever thinks about. Riding with the wind"
Hi Leana!
It's wonderful that you are back for another go around!
Keep riding those moonbeams.
The shadow effect is really cool, I like it!
Littlewing, I am not sure just how to navigate around on here but in response to your earlier question, it was a great day for a ride and yes, most bikers wave when passing by. The low wave is just a cooler low profile kind of wave. It gets tiring after the first 10 or so, but you feel like a snob if you don't wave.
I used to drive a Jeep and Jeep drivers do the same thing!
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