Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Surreal Painting-Circles
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Ok, two more
I have to more portraits that I think are better than the last. They are of both my daughters and believe me it was no easy feat to get these pictures! Lastly, I never posted my macro pictures. I'm partial to fruit! Yummy!
I really enjoyed this class and viewing and recieving comments from everyone. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer.
I never even knew what macro was for until I took this class. I always saw the option on my camera and never understood until I saw what the pictures looked like. I haven't quite gotten the complete hang of it, but I will continue working on it well after this class ends. I took the class to be a better photographer but we all ended up sharing pieces of ourselves. To those who wish my husband well, thank you! Most people have given us nothing but grief about the decision, and seeing your comments makes it all worht it. I have enjoyed seeing your vacation pictures or pictures of your dogs. It has all been worthwhile and I feel I got so much more than what I signed up for in this class. Enjoy the rest of the summer and just know that this is one of the best classes I've had because of all of you and your contributions!
Before & After

So before taking this class, I would have thought this was a pretty good picture of my son (first picture).
Now.......well.......I think not! Why?? Flashed used (you can see the shadow). The background is all cluttered taking away from the focal point. It needs cropping!! The smile looks a little forced.
So what do I consider a good portrait of my son now???? See below....natural light from the window he is next to - not flash; cropped to really bring your attention to the subject and not the surroundings. Although not a relaxed face, this truly is a "natural" smirk for him that comes quite naturally to him (scary thought! LOL!). I think this one really brings attention to the glimmer in his eyes!
To Jerry and all my classmates...I have had a BLAST working with you "virtually" over the past several weeks!! I will truly miss the class...I can feel the withdrawl symptoms already!! So many of you have been so much fun and I really looked forward to your comments on my pictures every week!
Every year my husband and I throw a BIG end of summer celebration at our house/yard. Usually around Labor Day, but this year may be the weekend following. I am extending an invitation for all of you to attend (with or without your cameras!). I'll send out an invite via campus cruiser email, but if you have a different email address you would like me to use email me at
Drop me a line anytime!
Best regards,
"By The Sea In Sepia"#3
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sometimes it feels as though Justice is blind and/or slow.
These images show how sometimes Justice seems distorted and slow, however, justice moving through time is not measured the same way as through eternity, and in the end it is just!
It's been quite a journey, I've learned a great deal.
Thank you all!
A Little Editing

I can state categorically that each and every image that we elevate beyond the level of an amateur snapshot needs editing in order to make it stronger. All good photography involves quite a bit more than just pushing the button... Tom posted a good image by window light of his dad and dog... Just a minute of editing was all it took to make the image work much better... I cropped away the excess space, and blurred and darkened the background just a little... see the improvement?
The two main elements to better photography then are seeing and set-up, followed by editing to bring it all together.
Macros Image "Revised" #2
Monday, July 14, 2008
Surrealism ~ Serenity
Saturday night a friend and I were shooting the breeze, talking outside. The time was about fiften til midnight. Suddenly, a strong stench smothered the air and we ran into the house. The over whelming smell was? You got it! That's right! A skunk!. This lead to yet another topic that lasted well into the weee hours of the morning. That subject was of course about life, procreation as well as the truths and myths of evolution. Today, I saw a butterfly. Many questions I had on Saturday night were answered instantaneously.
I call this one "Party at my Place." This was really fun when you get used to using the program. I will have some others on fotothing.It was a pleasure being in the class with everyone and I wish you all the best of luck. Thank you Jerry, this was fun. I learned a some great things about taking pictures with my digital camera that I will definitely carry with me for all my future photographing endeavors! Adrienne
Sunday, July 13, 2008
For yours eyes only...
Greetings -
Hope you all had a great weekend. I know this picture of me has nothing to do with last weeks assignment however I thought it would be cool to post. I was trying to photogaph me and this was the result of the pic. Part of my face was cut off - I still thinks it a good one because it zones in on my eyes....
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